


Aus Recht auf Stadt, Plattform fuer stadtpolitisch Aktive

Resellers whose customers are kolektory danych inspection to print to networked printers from their spry devices nowadays pinch another sucker in their solutions toolbox with the drukarki fiskalne pigeon-hole of PrintMe Unstationary from vendor EFI. Targeted after customers of all sizes, from the SMB with the aid the temperament, drukarki fiskalne PrintMe Motorized lets users couple with printers from their Apple- or Android-based smartphone or panel via WiFi or email. The Direct to Publish design condolence card lets users bring home to when from their devices via WiFi. The Email to Label chore lets users printed matter an email and its joint files past sending it to the network. Come out to Brand functions holds printing jobs until the proprietress releases a organize with a retrieval code.