Kongress 2011/PentarbarfTipps
Aus Recht auf Stadt, Plattform fuer stadtpolitisch Aktive
Tipps zur Anmeldung von Veranstaltungen mit Pentabarf
Deutschsprachige Kurzanleitung zum Ausfüllen des Formulars: Submission_formular_dt.pdf (PDF)
Short description of the submission form for events: Submission_formular_en.pdf (PDF)
The submission tool we use is called Pentabarf. Pentbarf works only with Javascript enabled! It works best with Chrome or Firefox 3.x (see Browser support)
While the access control of Pentabarf ("login") relies on HTTP-Authentication and the "logout" button doesn't logout correctly (sometimes). In this case, just close your browser (and all its instances) and restart if needed.
Some submitters had problems with the availability form. This form provides unnecessary times (e.g. 4:00 in the morning). Please ignore these fields, and confine your adjustments to the standard hours of the congress: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In case of questions or for bug reports contact us via email at [1]. please add some basic infos: URL where the error occured, your platform and browser, optionally a screenshot.